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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do I do if I am attacked?

There are no set rules because every situation and every person is different. Here are some alternatives to consider.

TALK - say anything that may allow you to escape (i.e. "I'm pregnant"; "I have VD"; "I have AIDS"; etc.)

FIGHT - aim for sensitive parts of the body; groin, eyes, windpipe, kneecap. The first blow is very important and must be accurate. You may not have a second chance.

SUBMIT - submitting is not the same as consenting, and it may be the only way to save your life; however, do not allow the rapist to tie you up. At that point, you will lose all your options to escape and may not be able to get the situation back into control.

RUN - your main objective is to get away. Look for crowds, houses with lights on, a busy street, etc.

REMEMBER - Violence is seldom far from the surface of a rapist's mixed-up mind. Rape is a crime of violence using sex as the weapon. If persuasion and resistance do not work, concentrate on identity: age, height, hair color, eye color, scars or birthmarks, clothes, car and license number. Personal protection articles carried in your purse are
not easily accessible and can be used against you. Mace should not be used outdoors because the wind can cause it to blow into your face, not the face of the attacker.

WHAT IF - consider circumstances and places that someone may try to attack you and play the "What if" game (i.e., what could you do to avoid an attack at the mall, in your home, in your car). Surprise and fear are two tactics rapists use to their advantage. By being aware at all times (not paranoid), you can eliminate these and remain in control when someone approaches you. Keeping your wits about you is the key during the first three minutes of an
attack. Concentrate on the situation. If you scream, can anyone hear you? If you run, is there anywhere to hide?

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